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As a zoning inspector, also known as a zoning enforcement officer, it comes with responsibilities, including: Enforcing zoning regulations: Inspecting properties to ensure compliance with zoning codes and maps, and taking action to correct violations. Educating the public: Explaining zoning ordinances to the public, contractors, architects, and engineers Processing applications: Reviewing and approving or denying zoning permits, certificates of occupancy, and other applications Maintaining records: Keeping track of applications, inspections, certificates, and other activities Preparing reports: Submitting monthly reports to elected officials and planning commissions Testifying in court: Appearing in court to provide testimony on zoning code violations Recommending improvements: Making recommendations to improve zoning maps and resolutions Assisting other departments: Helping other departments with code enforcement, mapping, and GIS Investigating complaints: Looking into complaints about zoning violations and taking action Issuing citations: Writing citations for properties that are not in compliance with zoning regulations Advertising hearings: Promoting public hearings on zoning use applications
Ohioline Job Title: Zoning Inspector Department – Harris Township, Ottawa County, Ohio The Zoning Inspector is responsible for the enforcement of adopted zoning and nuisance regulations through inspection of sites all… Harris Township, Ottawa County, Ohio Job Description: Planner/Zoning Inspector – Harris Township The Planner/Zoning Inspector performs an important role in the overall administration and operations of the Township. The Planner/ Harris Township, Ottawa County, Ohio