Bulk Garbage Disposal
For residents of the unincorporated portion of Harris Township, is held on the second Saturday of each month at the township garage compound.
Recycling is Open 24/7 — Thank you for recycling.
Aim to be Green with Recycle OSS
Additional recycling is provided by the Ottawa Sandusky Seneca County Solid Waste District at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds. Special collections are held throughout the year for tires, appliances, televisions and small electronics, computers, household hazardous waste, and lead acid batteries.
(All containers must be emptied and rinsed. Lids are recyclable but air should be squeezed from a plastic bottle.)
NOT ACCEPTED in recycling containers but
these items may be disposed at junk day.
Additional recycling is provided by the Ottawa Sandusky Seneca County Solid Waste District at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds. Special collections are held throughout the year for tires, appliances, televisions and small electronics, computers, household hazardous waste, and lead acid batteries.
321 Rice St, Elmore OH, 43416
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm