Monday, July 15, 2024

Harris Township Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting Agenda
321 Rice Street, Elmore, OH
Monday, July 15, 2024
7:30 pm

  1. Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll call
  1. Trustees Beverly Haar, Jerald Haar, DJ Greenhill; Fiscal Officer Laura Hazel
  2. Recognition of guests –
  3. Reading and Approval of Minutes
  4. July 1, 2024 regular meeting
  5. Finance/Administrative

a) Review invoices, sign checks and vouchers, review and initial payroll, review and sign/approve purchase orders/blanket purchase orders

b) Motion to approve payment of bills

c) Review and approval of Bank Reconciliations and Financial Reports for February through June 2024

  1. Officer/Department Reports
  2. Financial/Administrative
  • Motion to appropriate Fund 9001 (pending amended cert)
  • Motion to issue Resolution of Necessity-Operating Levy 1.0 mill / 2025 collected / 5yr
  • Job Description review
  • Benton Township Fire/EMS contract review (MM)
  • Drill pay during medical leave
  • LGF budget review meeting 8/13
  • 2025 Budget certification of $9,185.98 for Board of Health
  1. Zoning – Paul Perry’s report
  • Permit applications pending:

Permits issued:

  1. Cemetery – Andy Rodriguez’s report
  • Deeds issued:

Deeds transferred: #710 Buffington-Hasselbach

  • Kardotzke improvised foundation placement
  1. Roads – Cary Johnson’s report
  • Equipment-
  • Other-
    • Speed Survey – Resolution 45 mph & ODOT journalization
    • Dustin Haar application
  1. Fire
  • Personnel-
  • Training-
  • Equipment
  • Other-
  1. EMS – Mike McGinnis’s report
  • Personnel-
    • Popielarczyk – PT medic application
    • 6/23/24 A Fertig full time start date
  • Training-
  • Equipment-
  • Other –
  1. Building & Grounds
  1. Open issues
  1. IT services – discuss after convention
  2. Yeasting – TRQ for price estimate Issue II 2024 / OPWC Round 39 – 9/13 deadline
  3. Junk/unregistered cars – options pending Board review
  4. Building – code study in progress
  5. Auditor required fraud reporting/training – Bulletin 2024-005 (7/1)
  6. Electricity increase at station review (7/1)
  1. New business
  • LaCarpe Creek Ditch Improvement -continuation of 2nd hearing findings and recommendations. Next hearing date Aug 8
  1. Announcements, Communications, Other

1. Reminder: Quarterly OCTA meeting at P-I-B, 7/25

2. Grassroots Clippings July 2024

2. Next meeting Monday, August 5

  1. Adjournment 4198623332

321 Rice St Elmore, OH 43416